I must write about our latest adventure in picking inventory for the shop…I am excited not only to go & get stuff but also I am gifted with the presents of my husband who hasn’t been able to join my with the shop stuff much lately. For reasons I don't understand he quite working for the shop and all us “CHICKS” a few months ago & went back to work for Caterpillar...This adventure was yesterday 12-6-11 & we are on the road by 8:00am heading south first to the
Peoria area…Wanted to arrive by 10:30 because we have a big day planned and many miles to cover! I get the direction and to my surprise we find this place without any problem! Have to admit me and direction are like water and oil…It just doesn’t work well together but we go on every adventure knowing that there will probably be a moment that I won’t know where I am at. Yesterday wasn't like that! We pull into B & D’s driveway and I am SUPER excited to see all the stuff they have for me ... like a little excited kid on there birthday I swing open the truck door & go to jump out and run to there front door…but it DIDN’T work this way…Really it went like this … I swung the door open went to jump into the sprinting run to get a total surprise … the driveway was icy and extremely slippery…so you know what happened next right …. I landed on my …..BUTT!!!! & HARD
J… I did jump up and still sprint inside not caring too much at that moment if I was hurt or not just wanted to see all my new treasures that are waiting for me… The pieces are BETTER than I even thought so now I am trying so hard to control my excitement but like you all know if you know me this is a very hard thing for me to do. I look at Rick and he has the look of “holy crap she’s going to buy it all and how am I going to get it all in my truck” but like always he does! Now if any of you knows my husband he is … shall we say rather
picky about his truck and I well am not as picky... He cringes when I throw old “crappy” stuff as he calls it on his leather seats and I look at it as you buy a truck to USE IT! But this is beside the point or maybe another whole blog upon itself. So back to my trip…I end up buying and whole truck load of the old pine furniture! We even filled the inside of the truck and
Wilson had to ride home inside of a bench but I have to say he didn’t seem to mind much!
We are now on the road and the reality of my fall start to hit me as I am getting uncomfortable in my seat… My arm is starting to sting so I pull up my sleeve to see scraps up my arm and some slight bruising starting and the palm of my hand has a cut but I have to say my back and BUTT are really starting to hurt! I turn on the heated seat and take some Tylenol and try to forget it as I am still so excited about the wonderful items they got for me! We head straight for the shop to unload and get back on the road. We arrive at the shop and I get out and suddenly realize the pain in my back side is really BAD! I hobble along helping my husband unload fast to get going again. We are on the road to
Wisconsin now and it’s about 2:30pm. He must know I am really hurting because I am rambling about anything & everything not that this is a clue because I do this all the time but he does ask me how I am feeling and I do admit that I hurt but that I am fine to continue north. We arrive in
Even I have to admit that sometimes it's overwhelming but I wouldn't have it any other way. I will say that I have the best job I could ever wish for and in all reality it isn’t a “JOB” to go & play all the time finding things that you know will make your friends and customers happy! It’s not a “job” when I have the best husband in the world that helps me anytime he can! What it really is … is a true blessing to be able to have the life I have with the perfect husband, greatest friends inside the shop and the best customers anyone could be blessed with! With all this said…I must take some more Tylenol and hobble to the garage to scrub the heck out of the cupboard so that when Rick gets home he will help me load it up and take it into the shop...But first I must say a huge
THANKS to my husband who is my best friend for helping me, putting up with me and supporting me in anyway you can...Your the best husband anyone could wish for and I have!!!