This has been one of "THOSE WEEKS" to mark down in my book of weeks to remember and this is why...
We have to back up one week to start from the beginning of "MY WEEK" I really thought that life was hectic to say the least but GOOD...NO GREAT to be honest!! The shop has been making changes to try and improve it and make it run like a "well oiled machine" as many like to say. With any change comes a bit of confusion in the beginning until it becomes what eventually will call "normal." To get there requires nothing more than time and patients to workout any "kinks". Some people know this... and others don't! People will either will run from change or embrace it with open arms.
About now your probably wondering why is she babbling about this...Well, because for one I like to babble but honestly because this change inside the shop (although these changes has proven to be a GREAT thing) did pushed someone away from me that I supported and cared for deeply. This friendship for me was deeper than any friendship I have ever had before but the person simply walked out of my life like I didn't matter. It hurt so terribly bad and still does and probably always will! Although this happened I can't let it STOP my life! I must continue to hold head up, and march forward!
This happens to be the week of the "HOLLY days" for downtown De Kalb which is a huge event so I must NO I have stay focused! As the shop is cleared of her things this means that I MUST fill in the huge voids with inventory that I have stocked piled for this winter. We work for 3 days loading, unloading and displaying the shop and I have to say it looks GREAT...SAD without her but GREAT! Many of the vendors inside my shop have also been working non-stop cleaning, stocking and getting ready for this huge weekend! We all put in MANY long days and plenty of over-time to say the least. All the while I remember the year before this one as me and my "friend" who just walked out on me worked together to get ready for the weekend...We had a blast and now she is gone and it feels so different! I know that I have to continue forward!!!
Friday morning I am at the shop by 8:30am hauling in trays of cookies and the final boxes of inventory to be put out... Jane pulls in by 9:15am will her arms filled as well and we are both hustling NO RUNNING back and forth inside the shop nearly trampling each other over from time to time! The crowds are forming outside and taps on the windows from customers wanting us to open a bit early... We are NOT ready so we cant! Finally 9:58am we unlock the doors and I don't think I looked up from the desk or made eye contact with anyone until 9:15pm that night! It was totally amazing! By time I got home I was so tired and sore I didn't know what hit me! Saturday came and to be honest it made Friday look SLOW! We had so many people in there that you couldn't walk from one end of the shop to the other without asking people to kindly move. I have never seen the shop be so busy! Customers started coming in and asking if I have been online yet to see the local chronicle?? I said "NO" so as soon as I got home I went straight into the office and pulled it up and ....THERE I AM!!!
I am SOOO happy with a smile from ear to ear!!! I just simply can't believe that my shop and ME made the front page! It's not a good picture of me at all but I don't care!!! I am simply doing the "happy dance" inside my heart and it fells GREAT! We have all worked so hard over the past week and it was truly a roller coaster ride for me & one that won't be forgotten for a long time. Maybe one that will go down as the worst then best week of my life! The shop went from filled with goodies to suddenly a huge loss to filled right back up... to FRONT page chronicle! Started out the week SAD and ended HAPPY!!! Life is good... NO GREAT & not because of the chronicle but because I might have lost a friend... but I didn't quite realize how many other friends I have that want to be a part of my life regardless of what is going on inside or outside the shop.... until this crazy week happened!!
So I guess this meaning of this blog was to say no matter how bad you think life is... you just never know just how great it can be in a few short seconds, minutes, hours, days or even a simple week until you take the time to look back! A very special HUG to all my friends, family and especially my husband that continues to support me and guide me through my life... I love you all and thanks for wanting to be a part of my life!
If you wish to checkout what was in the chronicle here is the link ..
Saturday, November 19, 2011
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