I can honestly say it’s my parents fault to a degree! They love antiques and would have sales at there home a few times a year and god forbid us drive past a garage sale, antique shop or a auction no matter what we where doing we where stopping. My parents where always stripping off old finishes and paint to make the old look new and “better” but, I do remember loving the pieces that had the chippy old paint on them or the old grazing varnish. I remember thinking how “awesome” it looked! I loved going to the grandparent’s farm and the floors being uneven and the furniture was dated but the barns had old boxes and cubbies that I remember so vividly in my mind. I even remember me stacking 3 different wood boxes up one time while in the “big barn” and loving the look of them. I remember looking into mirrors and thinking and wondering how many people have seen there reflections thru the same mirrors. I remember when I first had my first shop that I wanted it to be all shabby which was such a “IN” look but when I would see a old cupboard that looked like it was about to fall apart I would tell my mom how much I loved it and she would look at me and laugh. She would say it looks like it needs to be cleaned or stripped but in my eyes that would ruin it. I love, love, love the aged, grungy, dark, drab, full of life to me look.

Now jump to where I am today… I am known as the “Primitive Chick” not only in my shop but to anyone that really knows me because that is what I know and love. I am by far the most random whirl winded, going in every direction at times kind chick, but yet a perfectionist, and at time a soft hearted, but brutally honest and have a vision of what thing can be and try hard to make it get there, ALWAYS right and hates being “THE BOSS” but can to do it well, hates paperwork because it is stationary and boring, loves change no matter if it’s in my home or at my shop, I love being a mom but whoever said that it gets easier as they get older is very wrong, by far the best friend anyone could have and I cherish my friendships probably too much which leads back to “wears my heart on my should” statement but most of all I am ENJOYING life to the fullest and this is turning out to be the best ride so far and my husband is truly my better half, my best friend and someone that I can’t see me ever being without. He tries to keep me grounded but I am too much of a flutter bug to even think that I will ever slow down enough to be grounded for too long… I am a work under pressure kind of chick and wouldn’t know or have it any other way…This is who I am and have always been.